Flat or Sloped Bottom Pools: A Comparison
So, you are thinking of investing in a swimming pool and are investigating your options. This will include the choice between flat or sloped bottom pools. In this article, we will delve into the differences you should consider when deciding which is better suited for you and your family.
Flat Bottom Pools
As the title suggests, flat bottom pools maintain a consistent depth throughout the entire pool, devoid of any slope or varying depths. Generally, they range from around 1.00 metre to 1.80 metres deep.
Flat bottom pools are ideal for recreational swimming, pool games, and water exercises. They can also provide an added level of safety for families with children or individuals who are not proficient swimmers, as the pool depth remains consistent and predictable.
You will also notice consistency in your flat bottom pool water temperature as the body of water is the same across the shell.
Compared to sloped bottom pools with the same length and width, flat bottom pools hold less water and require less chemicals.
Sloped Bottom Pools
Sloped bottom pools feature different depths at each end, gradually sloping from the entrance end to the opposite end. They also offer their own array of enticing features.
With a sloped bottom pool, you can enjoy a designated lounging area in the shallow end without sacrificing the benefits of having a deep pool.
The choice between a flat bottom pool and sloped bottom pool depends on your specific preferences and needs. Flat bottom pools provide a uniform depth throughout. This makes them suitable for recreational activities, pool games, and water exercises. They also offer added safety for families with children or non-swimmers. On the other hand, sloped bottom pools offer the versatility of different depths at each end. The varying water depths allow for deep end swimming and provide a dedicated lounging area in the shallower section.
Ultimately, the decision should be based on your desired pool experience. Think about what activities you plan to enjoy with your family and friends. By considering the differences and benefits of each type, you can make an informed decision that will maximise your enjoyment and satisfaction in your pool.